

天邪鬼Tour -番外編-

2010-08-12 16:50:26 Rito Blog Entry





MoNoLithのみんなと別れる時、寂しい気持ちになっちゃった(>_<) だからハグしてきた(笑) また各地のみんなにも逢いにいくから、待っててねヽ(´∀`)ノ 2マンは、MoNoLith×我羇道の集大成を見せるよ。 このTourを通して、一回りも二回りも大きくなった姿を、みんなの目に焼き付けてほしいんだ。 8/20BlackHoleで、最高の景色一緒にみようぜ(・∀<) Header: Perverse person Tour- extra- It is Morioka 疲 れー some other time! First Morioka, it is meeting えてくれたじもてぃーのみんな, fan のみんなありがとぉございますぅ of the other van warmlyヽ(´∀`)ノ Child ありがとね ♪ which I rushed to was reassuring and was gladヽ(´∀`)ノ It is simple melody case れもありがと ネ in a letter☆ Still, it is early that time really passes. Perverse person Tour is over in no time, too; and, only as for having it, is ... by the finals. When I parted from everybody of MoNoLith, I have felt lonely(>_<)
Therefore I did ハグ (laugh)

In addition, I wait and sleep because I go to meet everybody of each placeヽ(´∀`)ノ

2 man shows the collected studies of MoNoLith X Gakido.
Through this Tour, walking twice wants the eyes of all to print the figure which became big one size.

In 8/20BlackHole, I will watch the best scenery together(・∀<)

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